Belajar Inggris

March 14, 2019 0

English village have story learning (Village Pare) English village is a small town of populer with english language it. English village in Pare village, Kediri…

Transmigration to Academic Environment by : Della PutriApriliana Before the dawn of time nasyid sounded from the mosque and other mosque spliced shouted to each…

Inspirasi 24 Jam

March 12, 2019 0

24 HOURS USE ENGLISH LANGUAGE IN PARE By : Luthfiyah (Sastra Inggris) As we know that english village in Pare becomes a famous place in…

Knowladge and Experience: From village to Village My name is Ayu Irmasari Raharjanti, Bidikmisi’s student in the IAIN Surakarta. My major is Syariah banking. People…