24 jam Inggris

By : Luthfiyah (Sastra Inggris)

As we know that english village in Pare becomes a famous place in East Java. Why people call Pare is english village ? Because of many course to study english there. There a lot of domestic even the abroad study english and make a research come to this village. It means that this village is different from other village.

One of all, we must have to use english language 24 hours in the camp. For general people it may be unusual, but it is make people have become accustomed in there. Based on my experience, english village has many special things. Almost everyday we can find people use english language in everywhere and whenever in their daily activities, even including in the camp.
Some of the course provide the facilities including camp, but it is not usually camp. We have to use english language during a 24-hours. It means that we have to use english language every particular in our daily activities. For us, it is amazing moment when we study in english village. We think that we just get a usual program to our study in there, but we have to use english language for our daily activities. That is make us feel like a foreigner, not only in the class we have to use english language, but in our camp too.
Although it so hard for us, but we can practice english language step by step, of course we use english language in our verse. We are from different place, so one and another people has a dialect each other. For example, one of our member is Maduranist, so he use english language in his verse (Madura language). It means that through “24 hours use english language” program has many advantages.
First, we can make a habituality for our daily activities to practice english language. It is make our capability to use english increase. Second, through this program we now that study english language is easy. We can study english language by listening music, reading books, speaking in front of people and others. Third, this program makes our pronounciation is more better than before. As we know that some people can speaking in english language well, but their pronounciation is not good. So, it is our chance to follow this program seriously.
In english village, we can find some of the store use english language in their service. Not only the store, we can find a ‘Bentor Man’ use English language in their job. It is a great moment when we can make an english conversation with Mr. Bentor Man. So, it becomes to our motivate to learn english language.
Kampung Inggris PARE
So we conclude that Pare (english village) has many uniqueness. One of them is “24 hours use english language”. This program makes us believe that study english language is easy, we can make an english language becomes a habituality in our daily activities. We as a young generation must have to study english language more for our country. It is not only about what our country do for us, but what can we do for our country.
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